Monday, October 25, 2010

#3 Balmbini

I went to Sephora the other day.  I hadn't been in there in a long time because of obvious reasons.  The most obvious being that I do not need any more makeup then I already have and also because Sephora is oh so very expensive.  Anyway, I had held back for long enough and decided to go check it out.  I ended up leaving with this.  It is by the Balm and I've been wanting to try out their cosmetics for awhile. I always had my eyes on the Shady Lady palette of eyeshadows but this one is new and caught my eye.  It has 2 blushes, 3 eyeshadows and 2 lipglosses.  I thought it looked like a good deal.  I used the palette and love the colors.  I'll be doing a review on this palette on my YT page so look out for it.  I'll post a link once I record it.

Michelle G

Friday, October 22, 2010

#2 Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer SPF 15

So recently I was having a conversation with my mom and the topic of wrinkles and skincare came up.  Luckily for me, the women in my family all have great complexions and have aged really well.  I'm hoping I have the same amount of luck!  I have been using a moisturizing lotion for nighttime.  I put it on after I take off my makeup at the end of the day.  My mom suggested that I start using a moisturizer with SPF for the daytime as well.  I don't have any wrinkles currently as I am a young twenty-something but its best to prevent rather than try to treat it after the fact.  So I did what I always do when I want to find a good product.  I went on YT and checked out people's reviews on moisturizers.  Since I have no wrinkles I wanted something that was a decent price.  I'm not about spending $50+ on a fancy moisturizer (just yet!).  I stumbled up some reviews for this brand Cetaphil.  So many people like it and its priced well at only $8.99 at Harmon Face Values.  I'll be using it the next few weeks to see if its something I can use on a permanent basis.  I'll keep you posted.

-Michelle G

Friday, October 15, 2010

#1: Micabella Cosmetics Mineral Foundation Review

I just posted my YT review on Micabella Cosmetics Mineral Foundation.  I figured I would also do a review on this blog. 

I was first introduced to this brand a few years ago when they had a kiosk set up at my mall.  The rep did a complete makeover on me using all of their products.  I ended up buying the Mineral Foundation in Cappuccino.  On the company website, the foundation retails for $64.95.  This seems correct because I remember dropping $$$$ that night on the foundation as well as 2 eyeshadows.  Eyeshadows retail for $14.95 on the company website.

Anyway, I'm a big fan for mineral foundation because I think its the easiest to use.  I never used foundation in HS and even most of college.  When I started using it my first foundations were mineral ones.  They don't cake up easily and they are usually matte which soaked up any oil on my face.  They also didn't cause any breakouts because they don't clog my pores the way a liquid foundation would.

Micabella Mineral Foundation has lasted me a long time.  I don't use it everyday but I use it enough, especially on days when my skin looks good and I just need a sweep of foundation to even out my skintone.  While it is a bit pricey, if you are looking for a good product and want to check it out I definitely suggest it.  

Check out my YT review on this product!


Michelle G